The Buzzard Zone by Ronald Kelly
An unknown parasite brings the human race to it's knees....transforming the living into ravenous Biters, ambulatory undead vehicles of infestation and certain death.
The only warning that they are coming....monstrous flocks of buzzards that follow the swarming Biters....feeding on the carnage they leave in their wake.
And people aren't the only living things susceptible to the plague.
Levi Hobbs and his family have managed to survive in his childhood home in the Smoky Mountains. But when their luck finally runs out and the Biters find them, they are forced to flee east, seeking a new safe haven.
But safe places are few and far between. And the Biters aren't the only threat on the road to sanctuary.
Along the way, they will find survivors, decent people fighting for their lives.....and predators who prey on them.
Will they find a place to make a life in a world gone mad......or a place to make a last stand against the inevitable?
Ronald Kelly has written a tense, superior zombie thriller, peopled with characters that are perfectly imperfect. Each bearing the traumas of their own pasts, traumas that surface as the trauma of their battle for survival takes it's toll. Add in a welcome dose of true humanity, and country common sense, you can't help but feel for them....and in doing so, feel the horror of their plight that much more.
And let's not forget appearances by folks that fans of the horror community will recognize immediately.
Ronald Kelly is back....and better than ever.
Highly recommended.