Let Me Introduce You to Horror After Dark!
As many of you know, I am part of the reviewing team at Horrorafterdark.com. I would like to tell you a little bit about the site and then share a bit of exciting news!
At Horror After Dark we take horror very seriously. We have experienced horror readers on our team and their reviews tackle every kind of horror out there: dark fiction, erotic, bizarro, 80's, splatterpunk and classic just to name a few. And we have a rocking time doing it! (Plus, there is a cool comment feature under our reviews for you to tell us what you thought..of both the book and the review!)
One of the many things that makes us special is this: We are devoted to the written word. Horror movies are great and we love them, but they have no place on our site. Our focus is solely on horror fiction of all kinds and of all ages. Be it written yesterday or 50 years ago, we celebrate and love it and are dedicated to persuading you to love it too. At the very least, we can point you in the right direction if you're looking for something scary to read.
We have truly excellent author interviews, including: Brian Moreland, Kealan Patrick Burke, Jonathan Janz, J. Lincoln Fenn, John Everson and Tim McGregor, just to name a few.
We list book sales/freebies/new releases like there is NO tomorrow. Seriously, I don't know where Nikki (our generous/dedicated leader at HAD) finds them all, but find them, she does.
Lastly, we host some fantastic giveaways!
(Like the one going on right now: http://www.horrorafterdark.com/2014/06/giveaway-3-copies-fallow-ground-michael-james-mcfarland-6-16-6-30/)
Now for that exciting news! Horror After Dark is now taking advertising and to celebrate that fact we are giving away free ad space for one week. This gives us a chance to experiment with the ads on the site while giving authors a chance to promote their work for zero dollars! All you need to do is create a banner 728 x 90 px and contact Nikki at the "Talk to Me" link located under "More" at the top of HAD's homepage. That's it! Everyone who wants to give it a try will be accepted. If not the first week, then the second, or the third. HAD has a huge amount of Twitter Followers and our Facebook "likes" are growing every day. If you want to get your book out there in front of horror readers, here is an inexpensive way to do it.
I hope you enjoyed this tour of Horror After Dark and I hope to see you there, soon!