Widowmakers: A Benefit Anthology of Dark Fiction - Edited by Peter Kahle

Widowmakers: An Anthology of Dark Fiction - Pete Kahle


What can I say about this beautiful, bodacious beast of a book?
I haven't been this impressed with an anthology since Kirby McCauley's DARK FORCES.
800+ pages
47 stories
Something for every taste, and not a single sour apple in the basket.
Tales gathered together from the best in the genre, from the old guard to the young guns.
This is the anthology by which all others will be measured, one that will please every horror fan, and have you filling your shelves with the works of the authors you discovered, or rediscovered, within it's pages.

And then you'll fill a shelf with the works of James Newman.....because anyone who could inspire such an incredible response is obviously someone you'll want to get to know.

Highest possible recommendation.